About Us

Rohde Inc offers two groups of services to both the public and private sector.

First, we provide a set of consulting products to executives needing assistance on how to tackle large, complex IT projects.  

Second, we offer a set of structured leadership courses to assist your business leadership to become savvy technology consumers.

Consulting Products

Executive Guidance

Executives are often called on to make decisions on extremely visible technology projects with little or no IT experience.  Rohde Inc has been there before and can provide independent  advice to clients on the opportunities and pitfalls these projects entail.

IT Project Oversight

IT projects are big, complex and a world onto themselves.  Providing adequate, independent oversight is extremely time consuming.  Rohde Inc can provide that oversight and then translate and communicate the risks in a efficient, readable format to your executive leadership.  

Organizational Transformation

The world is rapidly changing and organizations need to transform or become obsolete, but where to start?  Rohde Inc can provide consultation and/or structured courses to help plot the transformation roadmap.

IT Strategic Planning

"If you don't know where you are going, any road'll take you there" - Lewis Carroll

Organizations want to move quicky towards their priorities.  Those priorities almost always rely upon IT delivering new capabilities.  Taking time to define the one, three and five year targets saves time and money.  Rohde Inc can help structure and facilitate those discussions.

SAFe Executive Guidance

The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is a tremendous opportunity for organizations to assure their business and IT priorities are perfectly aligned.  SAFe can also work to transform even the largest organization to Agile.  Rohde Inc has taken clients through this transformation and can help you successfully launch SAFe

DevOps Executive Guidance

What is DevOps, what is the Cloud, and why do I care?  Put simply, organizations that do not start absorbing these technologies today will be at a substantial competitive disadvantage very quickly.  Rohde Inc has taken other organizations through the DevOps/Cloud journey and can help you too. 

Leadership Courses

The Savvy Technology Purchaser

Most business customers do not have extensive experience in guiding large software development programs.  It is a discipline onto itself and providing some insight into the business role leads to greater success.

Defining the Software Product

Most troubled projects can trace most of their problems to their initial formations.  Each key decision are begins with a context setting introduction and then proceeds to a facilitated session to reach good decisions.

Bending Culture

"Culture eats strategy for breakfast every morning" - Peter Drucker

If your organization is pursuing a large Agile or DevOps strategic direction this course helps identify the specific cultural elements that must be addressed to achiever success.

Software Delivery with SAFe

Scaled Agile (SAFe) is a powerful transformation tool for your business and technology delivery.  This course provides an overview of the benefits and specific leadership challenges that much be addressed for sustainable success.


Contact Us

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Rohde Inc.

Washington DC - New York - Minneapolis