The Savvy Technology Purchaser


Most business customers do not have extensive experience in guiding large software development programs.  It is a discipline onto itself and providing some insight into the business role leads to greater success.  The Savvy Technology Purchaser is provides customers with required background to make informed decisions on the direction on their IT programs.


The Savvy Technology Purchaser is ideal for business and private sector customers who are about to lead a major technology effort but have limited or dated experience in major Information Technology programs.  Ideally the critical leadership for the IT program should attend the course as one team.

Course Objectives

The course objectives for the Savvy Technology Purchaser are listed below.  Specific objectives can be tailored to your organization.

  1. A one day course that covers large software development project fundamentals from a customer’s point of view.  Included in this course are the business opportunities of emerging IT technologies, pros and cons of waterfall and Agile development approaches, buy .vs. build .vs.on demand options, requirements management, several software myths that are widely believed and rarely true and other interesting topics.
  2. A half day course on strength finders.  Strength Finders is a very positive way to understand how various members of the team bring different strengths to the table and serves as an input to team building.
  3. A half day course on team building.  I have a truly interesting teambuilding exercise that is a prerequisite to the following topic, prioritization and decision making.
  4. A full day course on prioritization and decision making.  The topic sounds very straightforward but the ability to understand how important work is going to get prioritized and decisioned quickly will be addressed at a high level and then revisited again in Defining the Product and Software Delivery courses.

Course Duration and Delivery Options

Ideally The Savvy Technology Purchaser is delivery in six half day sessions over a three to six week period at the client site.  Alternate schedules and delivery models can be arranged for your specific organization's requirements.


The exact cost for the course will be provided as a statement of work based on your specific organization's requirements.

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