Standish Group survey of over 10,000 IT Projects

IT Project Oversite

Guidance Towards Success

According to the Standish Group, "In the United States, we spend more than $250 billion each year on IT application development of approximately 175,000 projects. The average cost of a development project for a  large company is $2,322,000; for a medium company, it is $1,331,000; and for a small company, it is $434,000. A great many of these projects will fail."

Most major mistakes are made at the very start of the project.  Should you use Agile?  Should you go to the cloud?  Should you outsource?  Each of these decisions are very situational and need careful consideration.  If your organization had already made a major mistake, how do you recover?

Independent IT Counsel

Rohde Inc provides independent counsel, meaning we are not part of another vendor or consulting organization.  Our Sole client is your organization.

Contact Us

Every IT project has a specific context with a unique set of opportunities and challenges.  One size does not fit all.  Please reachout and share your specific situation to see if we may be of assistance.  (