Bending Culture


"Culture eats Strategy for Breakfast Every Morning"

- Peter Drucker

Leaders know that not addressing organizational change can scuttle any desired strategy implementation.  Specifically, organizations are often advised that achieving a  sustainable Agile or DevOps migration will require changing their culture but where do you start?  Both Agile and DevOps require migrating your culture to a more Servent Leadership model but how far, how fast?  This course provides practical approaches to defining the plan to change that culture and a toolbox of approaches to make it happen.


Bending Culture is ideal for business and private sector customers who are about to embark on a major Agile or DevOps strategic initiative.  Ideally the critical leadership for the strategic initiative should attend the course as one team.

Course Objectives

Bending Culture focuses on the following Topics:

  1. Overview of Servant Leadership and define the gaps between your organizations current culture and your desired culture.
  2. Define the forces that will push back on the defined objective.
  3. Prioritize required cultural changes based on the defined opposing forces.
  4. Produce a high level plan to iteratively change your organizations culture towards your desired cultural future state.
  5. Unpack the Bending Culture Toolbox

Course Duration and Delivery Options

Bending Culture is delivery as a 1 day course at the client site.  Alternate schedules and delivery models can be arranged for your specific organization's requirements.


The exact cost for the course will be provided as a statement of work based on your specific organization's requirements. 

Contact Us

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